The Institute of Astronomy and National Astronomical Observatory is proud to collaborate with the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON), the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), and the Technical University of Sofia (TUS) on a transformative project for training the next generation of Bulgarian radio astronomers.
The project “Scientific and Technological Excellence by Leveraging LOFAR Advancements in Radio astronomy” (STELLAR), funded by EU’s Horizon 2020 Twinning program, will significantly increase the LOFAR technical and scientific expertise at TUS and IANAO. It will allow IANAO and TUS to develop and strengthen collaborations with ASTRON and DIAS.
STELLAR is a major step towards the realization, utilization, and further development of a LOFAR station in Bulgaria.
STELLAR will achieve its objectives through carefully planned trainings for IANAO and TUS staff at ASTRON and DIAS, including lectures, workshops, summer schools, and research staff exchanges.
STELLAR will have a multiplicative effect for the Bulgarian astronomical and geophysical community as a whole through the development of RA, SW, and radio technology training curricula for Bulgarian scientists and engineers, thus ensuring development of RA, SW, and radio technology training curricula for Bulgarian scientists and engineers, and a strong sustainable effect of the project.
IANAO in collaboration with TUS comprise a synergy of: scientists, specializing in the solar and astronomy fields of research, on the one hand, and a larger pool of engineers and technically oriented staff on the other. Both teams will benefit from close collaboration with the highly experienced staff of ASTRON and DIAS. The Bulgarian participants in the project consist of young, early stage researchers and staff in their active years of research. The focus brought by LOFAR technology and science will open a new exciting direction for scientific research and technological development in the area.
Project Duration
The project started on September 1, 2020, and will run for 36 months.
Questions? Email kkozarev at astro dot bas dot bg.

The STELLAR project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952439. It is coordinated by the Institute of Astronomy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.